Self healing of Nature & DNA: Applying it in our day to day life.

We, All Humans, experience curing of our wounds with time. This miracle of GOD is termed as Self Healing, a biological attribute of Nature and especially of living beings. Items, which undergo wear and tear with usage or weather, can have more longevity by using Self-healing materials in production. Using and relying on such items can save time and money. If roads are laid out with Self-healing materials, then ROI (Return on Investment) will be very high due to the lowest maintenance costs. The same applies to the Construction Industry. Even, IT firms can roll out Self Healing Systems for managing the IT infrastructure of their Clients and save Time & Material. The telecom industry relies on Self Healing Networks. Also, Self Healing Electronics will be the buzzword of the future. I found the following search phrases for Self Healing on Google- algorithms asphalt bacterial concrete bio-concrete dental composites diabetes elastomer electronics epoxy coating fabric foam fuse grid hypn...