How the US can uplift poor countries?

Simple. A weak dollar can improve the purchasing power of citizens in impoverished Nations. USD will weaken only when The United States of America wants so. A weak dollar will start the economy of the USA to grow due to rising exports from them. Why can't a Developed Nation continue to be 'Developing'? The current generation of Americans should not rest on the laurels of their earlier generations. Let America grow further by developing poor economies in the world. They should start this mission with Iraq & Syria. The USA is the Nation that spends more money on the military than any other Nation. If they can divert that money on diplomatic relations, then nobody can beat the USA and They will be Great Again. Russia and the USA must not be treated as rival Nations. They must unite in making Our Planet Earth into Heaven with their technologies and without killing anybody. Why should Russia and America confine their cooperation to space exploration? There are still many Hum...