Sanatana Dharma: Service to man is service to God.

All the non-Sanatana (non-Eternal) religions, namely, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and many others that exist today have a beginning in the history of mankind but it is only Sanatana Dharma which has no beginning. Now, the question is what is Sanatana Dharma or Eternal Religion. Before jumping into it, we have to know the meaning of Dharma (Religion). A search on Google for 'dharma meaning' shows: dharma ˈdɑːmə,ˈdəːmə/ noun (in Indian religion) the eternal law of the cosmos, inherent in the very nature of things. Going deeper into the discussion, we all know light and heat are the attributes of fire. Fire without light and heat doesn't exist. Light and heat are inherent in the very nature of fire. This is the dharma of fire. Now, what is the Sanatana Dharma of living beings? I will explain this below. Every animal or human serves one's master. There is no exception to this rule. It is the Almighty who created us to serve Him, in various forms, eternally. Just...