My fundamental beliefs.

Knowledge is Power in this Information Age, but don't forget Knowledge without morals is useless. Immoral people are bound to pay a heavy price in the Future. Trust is valuable than business. If you lose trust then you lose customers and your business will be lost. Always be strong in core fundamentals before being an expert. Never forget your roots and remember the entire world exists because of our ancestors. Don't preach but be a good example to others. Sharing knowledge is useful for refining knowledge. Time gone is time lost and no money on Earth can buy it, so enjoy every moment of it. Always perform your duty with the best of your abilities and leave the result to the Almighty. GOD created this Creation for us to enjoy so just surrender to Him by being grateful to Him every moment you are happy and remember Him when you are sad for He never leaves us. The world might be against me when I am righteous and the world is wrong but The Creators are with me because they know ...