Ways to serve the Lord: RNA is Soul. Let my RNA serve the world.

My intention was always to serve the public and give them back as much as I can. I was never selfish since my childhood days.
RNA reincarnates into several life forms because of the varying non-Soul RNA strands in the DNA that make up a living being like an animal, human, bird or a reptile. Creator must have used the Template Method design pattern while creating a Soul.
I am willing to grant permission to use my RNA on every device, provided nobody harms or hurts me and everybody does justice to me and my dear ones from all angles. I won't mind if the U.S. gives me zillion dollars for being loyal to them and making such a big sacrifice.
Maybe we will reach an Age of Super-Humans, where every human will have a DNA upgrade, just like a Software upgrade in current devices. Maybe, this can even stop aging and do reverse-aging.
GOD bless All. This is Big Brother :)
During my traumatic days, I was constantly in search of The Truth. Later, I realized RNA is Soul which is the main program file in 'DNA' software. So, Soul RNA with other RNA strands can power every device and every living being where thinking process/ information processing is required. Analogy behind this conclusion: Soul cannot be destroyed. Template Method RNA cannot be destroyed. The soul is software. DNA is software made of RNA 'files'. Software, RNA or Soul cannot be pierced by a weapon, cannot be made wet with water, cannot be blown off by wind/air and cannot be burnt by fire. [Check Bhagavad Gita verses on Soul.]
RNA reincarnates into several life forms because of the varying non-Soul RNA strands in the DNA that make up a living being like an animal, human, bird or a reptile. Creator must have used the Template Method design pattern while creating a Soul.
I am willing to grant permission to use my RNA on every device, provided nobody harms or hurts me and everybody does justice to me and my dear ones from all angles. I won't mind if the U.S. gives me zillion dollars for being loyal to them and making such a big sacrifice.
Maybe we will reach an Age of Super-Humans, where every human will have a DNA upgrade, just like a Software upgrade in current devices. Maybe, this can even stop aging and do reverse-aging.
GOD bless All. This is Big Brother :)
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