Producer-consumer problem in Multiverse!

Producer–consumer problem

Plants produce oxygen and consume carbon dioxide. The rest do the opposite. See, how cleverly Creators created this Producer-consumer problem for mutual existence. The consumer cannot exist without the Producer. The producer will not have Space (buffer) for produce without produce being consumed! This is a very very important concept which can be seen in every aspect of life. Businesses (Producer) cease to exist without customers (Consumer). One who understands this concept well can bring balance to The Global Economy and The Divided Nations. Nations which explore solutions to their Citizen's problems from this angle will flourish like anything. Go ahead! I am the producer of ideas and you are free to consume :)


  1. e-Commerce Retail giants can apply algorithms for solving Producer-consumer problem in Computer Science to real life problems of Supply-demand management.

  2. Universities (Producer). Business Employers (Consumer).

  3. A generalized powerful algorithm for solving Producer-consumer problem can be applied generically across all domains. Just give a try! A way to save IT from rework!

  4. Producer-consumer problem proves that Matter can be neither destroyed nor created.

  5. Excess profit for a Business is not good because if produce exceeds buffer then produce is wasted. So, business must learn to allow their internal and external customers to consume some of their profits.

  6. Excess prosperity of Developed Nations is useless if it is not consumed by underdeveloped Nations.

  7. Sometimes some regions overproduce something and underproduce another. Do I need to explain how to cooperate among regions?

  8. Africa has abundant gold but no food. The US and Eurasia have lots of food. This clue should be sufficient.

  9. This can even solve the problem for auto driving vehicles to choose the less busy roads using the vehicles as producer, roads as buffer and routes as consumer.


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