More Buses; Less Cars, for Saving Time, Money and Environment.

Need for more buses and less cars.

Last night was a nightmare for me while traveling in public transport. I was happy to travel for it brought me close to the public and understand the problems of people.

What I felt GoI should do?
  • Raise sales tax on cars which cause pollution. With this money, we can increase the quality and number of buses for public transport.
  • Raise the prices of petrol and diesel, so that people will go for public transport.

The advantage of the above steps are:
  1. More buses and fewer cars. Less pollution and Environment-friendly.
  2. More public transport means cheaper ways of transit for the public. People save money and the Government makes money.
  3. Less traffic due to fewer cars on the road. It saves the time of employees.
  4. Comfortable traveling for All passengers of public transport due to an increased investment of Government in public transport.
  5. Saving Environment and Time means Health for All, thus Money.
  6. More money can be used for saving our Environment.

Public transport in Developed Nations.


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