'In God We Trust' the basis of Sanatana Dharma from Bharata.

By its nature, Sanatana Dharma is God-centered rather than prophet-centered. All the texts including 4 Vedas from Bharata, Ancient Indian subcontinent, are based on the primary belief, "In God We Trust". I am proud to say this is the official motto of The United States of America. Bharata was a beacon of knowledge for the rest of the world during ancient days. Maybe some of our ancestors from the Indian subcontinent migrated to other continents for greener pastures even Ages back and mutated into Whites & Blacks over time due to the climatic conditions there.
The official motto of India is "Truth alone triumphs." As an Indian, I proudly say that statement in above para is true to the best of my knowledge. I gained this knowledge from Brahmasri Chaganti Koteswara Rao Garu.
Let All of us say, "We All are One and We All Won." without a war. I love America and the Russians because I have seen both of them to some extent. GOD bless All. All, please make Humanism a reality on Earth.

Read more at http://veda.wikidot.com/sanatana-dharma
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