How can we eliminate Corruption in India forever?

National Drink: Common man's blood.

Steps to be taken for eliminating corruption in India-
  1. Starts with the elimination of paper currency,
  2. Accountability of bank balance with every Citizen,
  3. Digitization of assets,
  4. Lower-income tax rates,
  5. Nudge tax evaders to pay taxes,
  6. Raise the pay of the Government employees drastically,
  7. Bring stricter laws like terminating the employment in case of guilty for corruption,
  8. Invite foreign officials with good work ethics to take some positions in Indian Government for auditing and preventing Corruption,
  9. Digitize/ Computerize almost every transaction of the Government,
  10. Educate common man on his Rights,
  11. Give more powers to ethical Government and Public Sector Employees,
  12. Reward whistleblowers,
  13. Reduce the gap between the Richest and the Poorest by redistributing wealth,
  14. Encourage Giving by Rich,
  15. Future generations must be imbibed with the fact that corruption and cheating is illegal and unethical,
  16. Reward Citizens with a commission in the illegal assets attached by GoI because of them,
  17. Allow the public to impeach their leader when needed,
  18. Provide social security after retirement for All,
  19. Apply global genomics to elevate the ethical standards of the public.


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