Plants produce oxygen and consume carbon dioxide. The rest do the opposite. See, how cleverly Creators created this Producer-consumer problem for mutual existence. The consumer cannot exist without the Producer. The producer will not have Space (buffer) for produce without produce being consumed! This is a very very important concept which can be seen in every aspect of life. Businesses (Producer) cease to exist without customers (Consumer). One who understands this concept well can bring balance to The Global Economy and The Divided Nations. Nations which explore solutions to their Citizen's problems from this angle will flourish like anything. Go ahead! I am the producer of ideas and you are free to consume :)
No banks. (Thus no poverty!) No borders. (Thus no war!) No religions. (Thus no hatred!) Adam and Eve didn't have banks, borders and religion but they still led a very happy life followed by our Stone Age Men and Women. Some cunning crooks have ruined our society for their selfish motives of power, wealth and sex due to their excessive greed. Do you dream of our future generations to survive by buying oxygen? Let us stop making rich richer, power a superpower, poor much poorer and weak much weaker. Live and let everyone live.
Honorable Authorities, Good morning! Is dynamic even distribution of clouds and thus rains possible? Kindly share this technology with all Nations or do something like GPS after successful inception. This will avoid both floods and droughts globally. This thought is dedicated to the entire staff of AJRC and co-patients at AJRC who helped me recover. Special thanks to Dr.Sanjeev, Dr.Bhavana, Dr.Shehnaz, Dr.Chandrashekhar, Dr.Jagannath, Dr.Srinivas, Sudha Garu, Dr.Albert, Dr.Siddharth, Dr.Pratyusha, Dr.Neelima, Lingam, Every Staff Member in Kitchen, Rosy Ma'am, Joseph Sir, George Sir, Ramakrishna Reddy Garu, Aditya Agarwal, Suleman, and Noorallah Khan. I wish them all the Best. You All forgave me so do I. Let us All celebrate Happy Friendship Day today! Cheers!! Sincerely yours, Vasanth
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