
Fighting COVID-19: Prepare for the worst!

Battle against COVID-19 will not end until a vaccine to stop it comes into the market. Lockdown cannot be extended further for the sake of daily wage workers and the GDP of a Nation. Every Nation will be registering negative growth in the economy due to the lockdown. What do we do now? I will be answering it here. Prevention of COVID-19 is not easy, so preparing for the worst like incase one is affected by COVID-19 then we should do the following activities. As soon as one suspects symptoms of dry cough or fever or breathing trouble then must consult a nearby hospital and save themselves as per the advice of the doctors. This idea of preparing for the worst will save many people and also will lift lockdown completely. I suggest you all stop being reckless or careless in taking Government's rules and regulations during this pandemic. #IndiaFightsCorona COVID-19

Cheap and Best Alternative to Petrol/Diesel.

Today I am going to share an idea which is environment and pocket friendly for all of us. Check  Clever New Device Can Produce Hydrogen Fuel Using Water And Sunlight . I wish big players like Ola and Uber adopt this idea and save our Planet from climate change by avoiding pollution caused by Petrol/Diesel. I request the Governments of All Nations consider this idea if viable and feasible, Let us stop working on Electric Vehicles which take more than 1 hour to get charged completely, a major disadvantage of EVs. See  RUN YOUR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE WITH OUR HYDROGEN ENGINE SOLUTIONS .

Importance of Teachers.

I heard this from Shri Chaganti Koteswara Rao Garu on TV. He said 'If GOD gets angry with you then a Teacher can save you, but if the Teacher gets angry with you not even GOD can save you.' Got me! Every teacher wants his/her student to rise above him. A teacher is sometimes more than one's parents so keep this in mind always for s/he teaches you so many lessons for you to live a better life. If one prostrates before a teacher wholeheartedly s/he will be blessed with the knowledge of the teacher. I experienced this myself when I emailed my prostrations to USN Murthy. I strongly believe a true teacher has no bias for his students for s/he loves all her/his students equally. I have no caste feeling or regional feeling. All I want from Indians is to forget about caste, religion or region and live like Humans. GOD bless All. BTW, only a good student can become a good teacher. Thank you, my Gurus!!! A ruler is respected only in his kingdom but a knowledgeable person will be resp...

Producer-consumer problem in Multiverse!

Plants produce oxygen and consume carbon dioxide. The rest do the opposite. See, how cleverly Creators created this Producer-consumer problem for mutual existence. The consumer cannot exist without the Producer. The producer will not have Space (buffer) for produce without produce being consumed! This is a very very important concept which can be seen in every aspect of life. Businesses (Producer) cease to exist without customers (Consumer). One who understands this concept well can bring balance to The Global Economy and The Divided Nations. Nations which explore solutions to their Citizen's problems from this angle will flourish like anything. Go ahead! I am the producer of ideas and you are free to consume :)

1999's history is being repeated in The US after 20 years.

There are very interesting dissimilarities between The US and India. Let me list them below- The US achieved freedom by fighting with valor 200+ years back whereas India achieved freedom by non-violence movement after suffering for 400+ years under British rule. India had its own culture and traditions which go back in time Before Christ and was very advanced then. The US had Red Indians when Colombus discovered and they are all extinct now. Indians still survived and are slowly adopting Western culture. The US is actually a land of immigrants and that is the reason they prospered. A lot of Indians migrated to many foreign countries. Americans rarely migrate to foreign countries. The US is a developed Nation. India is a developing Nation. In India, a celebrity can evade the law in spite of doing an offense, fraud, crime or any illegal activity. In the US it is just the opposite. Got me! In India, an ordinary person will be fined if s/he violates the law and a celebrity is excused even ...

Diwali wishes!

Every man wants Salman Khan to get married. No girl wants Salman Khan married to another girl. What to do? Wishing Happy Diwali to All including our eligible bachelor Salman Khan. I pray to GOD for Salman to fulfill our men's wish.

Global Humanism Achievable by Christmas, 2019.

No banks. (Thus no poverty!) No borders. (Thus no war!) No religions. (Thus no hatred!) Adam and Eve didn't have banks, borders and religion but they still led a very happy life followed by our Stone Age Men and Women. Some cunning crooks have ruined our society for their selfish motives of power, wealth and sex due to their excessive greed. Do you dream of our future generations to survive by buying oxygen? Let us stop making rich richer, power a superpower,  poor much poorer and weak much weaker. Live and let everyone live.
Fallov GaniMillets
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