
Showing posts from 2019

Importance of Teachers.

I heard this from Shri Chaganti Koteswara Rao Garu on TV. He said 'If GOD gets angry with you then a Teacher can save you, but if the Teacher gets angry with you not even GOD can save you.' Got me! Every teacher wants his/her student to rise above him. A teacher is sometimes more than one's parents so keep this in mind always for s/he teaches you so many lessons for you to live a better life. If one prostrates before a teacher wholeheartedly s/he will be blessed with the knowledge of the teacher. I experienced this myself when I emailed my prostrations to USN Murthy. I strongly believe a true teacher has no bias for his students for s/he loves all her/his students equally. I have no caste feeling or regional feeling. All I want from Indians is to forget about caste, religion or region and live like Humans. GOD bless All. BTW, only a good student can become a good teacher. Thank you, my Gurus!!! A ruler is respected only in his kingdom but a knowledgeable person will be resp...

Producer-consumer problem in Multiverse!

Plants produce oxygen and consume carbon dioxide. The rest do the opposite. See, how cleverly Creators created this Producer-consumer problem for mutual existence. The consumer cannot exist without the Producer. The producer will not have Space (buffer) for produce without produce being consumed! This is a very very important concept which can be seen in every aspect of life. Businesses (Producer) cease to exist without customers (Consumer). One who understands this concept well can bring balance to The Global Economy and The Divided Nations. Nations which explore solutions to their Citizen's problems from this angle will flourish like anything. Go ahead! I am the producer of ideas and you are free to consume :)

1999's history is being repeated in The US after 20 years.

There are very interesting dissimilarities between The US and India. Let me list them below- The US achieved freedom by fighting with valor 200+ years back whereas India achieved freedom by non-violence movement after suffering for 400+ years under British rule. India had its own culture and traditions which go back in time Before Christ and was very advanced then. The US had Red Indians when Colombus discovered and they are all extinct now. Indians still survived and are slowly adopting Western culture. The US is actually a land of immigrants and that is the reason they prospered. A lot of Indians migrated to many foreign countries. Americans rarely migrate to foreign countries. The US is a developed Nation. India is a developing Nation. In India, a celebrity can evade the law in spite of doing an offense, fraud, crime or any illegal activity. In the US it is just the opposite. Got me! In India, an ordinary person will be fined if s/he violates the law and a celebrity is excused even ...

Diwali wishes!

Every man wants Salman Khan to get married. No girl wants Salman Khan married to another girl. What to do? Wishing Happy Diwali to All including our eligible bachelor Salman Khan. I pray to GOD for Salman to fulfill our men's wish.

Global Humanism Achievable by Christmas, 2019.

No banks. (Thus no poverty!) No borders. (Thus no war!) No religions. (Thus no hatred!) Adam and Eve didn't have banks, borders and religion but they still led a very happy life followed by our Stone Age Men and Women. Some cunning crooks have ruined our society for their selfish motives of power, wealth and sex due to their excessive greed. Do you dream of our future generations to survive by buying oxygen? Let us stop making rich richer, power a superpower,  poor much poorer and weak much weaker. Live and let everyone live.

My fundamental beliefs.

Knowledge is Power in this Information Age, but don't forget Knowledge without morals is useless. Immoral people are bound to pay a heavy price in the Future. Trust is valuable than business. If you lose trust then you lose customers and your business will be lost. Always be strong in core fundamentals before being an expert. Never forget your roots and remember the entire world exists because of our ancestors. Don't preach but be a good example to others. Sharing knowledge is useful for refining knowledge. Time gone is time lost and no money on Earth can buy it, so enjoy every moment of it. Always perform your duty with the best of your abilities and leave the result to the Almighty. GOD created this Creation for us to enjoy so just surrender to Him by being grateful to Him every moment you are happy and remember Him when you are sad for He never leaves us. The world might be against me when I am righteous and the world is wrong but The Creators are with me because they know ...

Future of Software Development.

Information is like water. Everyone consumes water and Information because both are essential for life to survive. Water is supplied to households by water connections and Information via Internet connection. Server is like a water tank. Data center is like a dam. River is like a Cloud. Ocean is like The Internet. Why can't Software Development inspire from plumbing? Standards in Software are needed to make Software Plumbing easy and reliable. Just purchase the Software pipes, connect them and start consuming the Information just like water. 

My policy as an employer.

I will ensure my employees are treated with respect always and are happy working for me and our clients. My employees' problems are my problems because they are always busy solving my problems. My employees' family is part of my family because they are helping my family. My employees are stakeholders and shareholders in my business because my business is run by them but not just me. My current and ex-employee must be proud and grateful for working with me. My business is always open to suggestions and criticism because that makes my business more competitive. From a peon to the promoter of my business everyone is equal because we are Human first.

A game changer: Taking reuse by Indian IT firms to the next level.

Why is the Indian IT industry not reusing its software assets? Why can't Indian IT firms host Software as a Service in Cloud for Hotel Management, Hospital Management, Travel Management, etc and sell it to its Clients across the globe with Pay as you go option? A step ahead of current Cloud Hosting Services in the market. These SaaS can be developed and maintained periodically in partnership with their interested clients. The SaaS app should allow its clients to customize it according to their requirements through their Admin console. Move towards Applications as SaaS and mint money on top of Cloud. This SaaS must be a responsive rich web application to work on all devices and operating systems. Android and iOS Apps will fade away just like out-dated client-server applications on desktops. More reusability comes into play with this One Code; All Devices policy. This even saves costs of every stakeholder and it is environment-friendly too. I leave it to the reader to guess how this ...

National Songs.

I am Indian by birth. I love America by heart. I love Russians by heart. I never hated Pakistan.

Good 🌃🌙⏰💤💤!


Teamwork - Project management Add-on with Gmail.

Working together. Beautifully. Project management software that lets you own the big picture. Teamwork Projects takes care of the details so you and your team can focus on the big picture.

MailTrack in Gmail.

Know When Your Emails Are Opened Receive real-time notification pop-ups when your emails are opened. Rated 4.5 stars in the Chrome Store

Good 🌄🙋☀!

My Crush On Sat, Aug 17, 2019, 09:51 Vasanth Kumar Nagulakonda <> wrote: I love giving blowjobs to babies below 5 years but nobody allows me.😭 On Sat, Aug 17, 2019, 09:48 Vasanth Kumar Nagulakonda <> wrote: My photo attached: This is not spam. Kindly don't blacklist me. You are not in my hit list 🥰 On Sat, Aug 17, 2019, 09:45 Vasanth Kumar Nagulakonda <> wrote: Please respond😍! On Sat, Aug 17, 2019, 09:36 Vasanth Kumar Nagulakonda <> wrote: Have a nice time always! Thank you🙏💕!! GOD bless All. Sincerely yours, Vasanth with Love

The 4 Vedas.

Everything is Information. (Sarada: feminine) Everything is Energy. (Shakti: feminine) Everything is Space. (Akash: masculine) Everything is Wave. (Tarang: masculine) Going deep into the subject. Anti-proton (Sarada) is the form of Information. Anti-neutron (Parvati) is a form of Energy. Space is formed by the proton (Brahma). Wave is formed by the electron (Vishnu). These are 4 Vedas. Everything is created with Love by The Creators. Time is an illusion. Imagine if you are traveling at the speed of light then according to Einstein's relativity theory your aging stops. Got me? We are simply traveling in Space and experiencing Information with Waves from Energy. I know many old monks will disapprove of my definition of Vedas. I remember the true meaning of Vedas. I used the word Vedas as a part of the 'controversial' marketing strategy. Now coming to the point, Vedas are like Software Requirements Specifications for The Multiverse created by The Creators, offsprings of Lord V...

Dynamic even distribution of rains.

Honorable Authorities, Good morning! Is dynamic even distribution of clouds and thus rains possible? Kindly share this technology with all Nations or do something like GPS after successful inception. This will avoid both floods and droughts globally. This thought is dedicated to the entire staff of AJRC and co-patients at AJRC who helped me recover. Special thanks to Dr.Sanjeev, Dr.Bhavana, Dr.Shehnaz, Dr.Chandrashekhar, Dr.Jagannath, Dr.Srinivas, Sudha Garu, Dr.Albert, Dr.Siddharth, Dr.Pratyusha, Dr.Neelima, Lingam, Every Staff Member in Kitchen, Rosy Ma'am, Joseph Sir, George Sir, Ramakrishna Reddy Garu, Aditya Agarwal, Suleman, and Noorallah Khan. I wish them all the Best. You All forgave me so do I. Let us All celebrate Happy Friendship Day today! Cheers!! Sincerely yours, Vasanth

Future: Download mobile and print it!

Yes, you read it right! In the future, you won't be shopping electronics from neither a physical store nor an online store but directly download the 3D specification of the electronics from a designer and simply print it at your home with a 3D printer. Most of the times your old cellphone can be recycled into a new cellphone with this technology. Maybe we can even print a 3D printer from a 3D specification using another 3D printer. We can download the 3D recipe from a DTH channel broadcast of a chef program and simply relish the taste of the dish after our 3D printer, connected to the DTH set-top box, prints our dish! Not just organs even dead people can be regenerated and not just reincarnated! Manufacture Anything Anywhere!

Om Namo Ganesha!

Praying to Lord Ganesha to bless me and my blog.
Fallov GaniMillets
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